The lineage series: Unit Sentences & weave

54 Units

The Lineage Series is work from the Coded Textile Project.

The Lineage Series is an abstraction of a family tree and uses a coded process, similar to dna inheritance, to evolve.  The coding for this project is based on evolutionary networks of natural selection, genetics, and syntax tree diagrams.

Methods include computational sketches, machine produced jacquard cloth.

The Coded Textile Project uses computation to explore materials and meaning in textile embellishment. In the context of the project, “coded” is a process of designing a system of signs, organized by rules, procedures and relationships, using either analog or digital tools. Here machine thinking generates new possibilities for print, embroidered/embellished and woven design.

The project also takes the approach that textile embellishment is itself a “code”- storing information, abstracting meaning, formulating new symbols or communication systems. The relationship of embellishment to location is central to this investigation of “embellishment semiotics”. Our digital sketches and textile outputs explore how technology impacts the interaction of surface design and environment.


Project Creative Code Designer: Anna Garbier

The unit system for the lineage is based on 54 shapes that reference architectural ornamentation. These shapes serve as the “dna” or the “letters” that are combined according to symmetry rules. Four overlapping units make up the first generation and these combinations reproduce according to numeric probability to generate new combinations. Variation is introduced to the system to displace the positioning of the combinations.


Unit A (Alphabet Peremeters)

Generation 1 & 2/ Four Unit Combinations

Introduction of Positional Variation (Mutation) to the System

textile application

A jacquard cloth design, based on the 54 units explores ways that the units might combine into longer sentences of embellishment. Cloth is machine produced jacquard weave.